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winter restaurant | Jaen Country Club  

Client: Grupo El Mercado for the Jaén Country Club.

Location: C/ Critico Bullfighting Angel del Arco, 2 / Jaén.

Performance: Decorative project.

Model: Pilar Weller 

The winter restaurant is a pavilion with a sober and elegant architecture characterized by the union of several octagonal spaces distributed at different heights that creates a very special atmosphere.

An imposing staircase leads to the hall and this in turn to the bar area from where you can see the achievement of the different rooms organized around a central patio.

The commission consisting of a simple and quick performance at a decorative level that enhances the character and elegance of this space.


We substantially modified the aesthetics of the bar using existing materials to make it integrated, we applied a medium gray tone on the walls and ceilings to mitigate the excess of natural light and create a more current atmosphere._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

We dress the large windows by means of curtains made up of curtains and falls in a characteristic leaden blue tone, these fulfill their function of sifting the outside light, making the space more welcoming and enhancing the great height of the ceilings of more than 4 meters.

We incorporated lighting with a clear modern and circular design grouped in the center of the rooms with the intention of providing an element that gives a modern touch to the decoration.

fotos club de campo
fotos club de campo
consentido, club de campo jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio
consentido, el mercado club de campo, club de campo de jaén, juan antonio partal, consentido estudio

Consented Study | Interior design | Jaen | Andalusia | Spain      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3d5b-13infoestudio@comsentido8ffd5b-13

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